README for PC-RSVP 1.0 Beta [Build 55 - Expiration 12/31/98] ============================================================ This is the Beta version 1.0 release of Intel PC-RSVP. RSVP is a resource ReSerVation Protocol which allow host PCs to reserve bandwidth on an end-to-end basis for their multimedia applications. PC-RSVP enables hosts to perform the signaling required to establish reservations. The release is compliant with the RSVP Specification [RFC 2205] PC-RSVP is a Windows* 95/Windows NT* 4.0(SP3) QoS service provider which sits in between the WinSock*2 API and a TCP/IP service provider. Multimedia applications make calls to the WinSock2 QoS / RSVP API to establish end-to-end reservations. RSVP via GQoS LSP (or Intel GQoS) is a Winsock2 Generic Quality of Service Layered Service Provider. RSVP via GQoS transforms a base TCP/IP or UDP/IP provider into a fine-tuned QoS-enabled service provider. Multimedia applications make calls to the WinSock2 QoS APIs to establish end-to-end reservations. Minimum Requirements ===================== The following components will be required before you can start using PC-RSVP. * Intel Architecture PC * Microsoft Windows* 95 or Microsoft Windows NT* 4.0(SP3) * Network access. * WinSock2 SDK for Windows 95. This is for Windows 95 only. WinSock2 SDK for Windows NT 4.0 is included with the OS. * A UDP/IP service provider with multicast capability. * PC-RSVP Beta version 1.0. * One or more routers running RSVP Version 1 specification [RFC 2205] compliant version of RSVP. PC-RSVP has been tested with Cisco Systems routers running IOS Version 11.2 (9.x) software. Routers must listen for RSVP messages on the special multicast group: "" as defined in RSVP specification. Installation of PC-RSVP ======================== Execute PCRSVP12.EXE. * Expiration Date : This release of PC-RSVP is a Beta Version that will EXPIRE! The expiration for this build is listed at the beginning of this file accompanying the build number. * IP Address for "First Hop" Router : PC-RSVP requires the IP address, Subnet mask and Gateway (IP address of first hop router for that interface) for each of the interfaces that the PC has. The user is asked to provide this information during installation. However, this information can be changed later by editing the registry setting (using regedit) under the key: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Intel/PC-RSVP/Version1.0". PC-RSVP is installed in the directory specified during the install with these sub-directories. 1) BIN - PC-RSVP binaries 2) INC - PC-RSVP header file 3) DOCS - supporting documents 4) RSVPSAMP - source code for a RSVP sample application 5) GQOSSAMP - source code for a RSVP via GQOS sample application 6) TESTRSVP - RSVP Test application [The test application requires MFC42.DLL and MSVCRT.DLL in %windir%\system directory]